Twitter and entertainment

Twitter is an application (see on the top of my left sidebar) that allows you to post a 140 character limit message. The basic idea is that you comment on what you are doing. But people are using it in all manner of ways. Here are some ways it is being used in entertainment:


  • * CNN Breaking News: Headlines as they happen.
  • * SBS: Australia independent broadcaster puts in headlines, news and links to podcasts.


  • * Twitter Novels: Zack Daggy has created the first Twitter Novel, creating one short story with two posts (280 characters) every day.
  • * Captain Malcolm Reynolds: The Captain of the beloved Serenity (Firefly) verse is twittering! This character twitter has some great quotes like “No, you don’t DRIVE a spaceship, you FLY it. Dong ma?”. But only fans of Serenity would understand.
  • * Fox Drive: This is a twitter from Greg Yaitanes, the director of Fox’s new TV show Drive.
  • * Justintv: Justin TV, the 24 hour webcast reality show is also twittered.

In these examples we can see the same approaches that have been applied in podcasts and blogs. It is great to see how people get around the 140 character limit though…and the interaction between twitterers is immediate and direct. It is great to see the director of Drive asking for feedback on the show, Malcolm Reynolds responding to twitter messages and Justintv asking questions.

Let me know of some interesting Twitters you’ve found.

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