Released: ARGs Around the World data!!

globe2Over a year ago I started gathering data on the state of ARGs Around the World. I was interested in how many ARGs are created and experienced outside of the regular countries of USA, UK and Canada…and Australia (data for these is on my ARG Stats page). I was particularly interested in non-English-language ARGs and non-USA ARG communities. Well, with a lot of digging and the help of some generous folks, I’m very pleased to release finally the data I collected — well, most of it ;)!

The data is not comprehensive, but I hope that you will all ping me with corrections and additions. What I find really exciting about this data is it makes it clear that ARGs have a global reach and there is the opportunity for truly cross-cultural, indeed truly global, ARGs.


Photo credit: ‘Globe Hands SM’ by Noticelj

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